Community Grant Programs

About Our Community Grant Programs

The Five Wings Arts Council provides grants to arts organizations, schools, and government organizations located in Cass, Crow Wing, Todd, Morrison, and Wadena counties, and the Leech Lake Tribal community. Community Grant programs are designed to enrich communities within our region through meaningful arts and cultural activities.

Applicants must be a Minnesota non-profit, tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code with Articles of Incorporation on file with the State of Minnesota, a public school, or a governmental unit or department or agency of the State of Minnesota.

Community Arts Access Project Grants

Grants up to $5,000 are available to organizations providing services in Todd, Morrison, Wadena, Cass, and Crow Wing Counties of Minnesota. The applicant must be a Minnesota non-profit, tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code with Articles of Incorporation on file with the State of Minnesota or a governmental unit or department, or agency of the State of Minnesota.

Grants are awarded based upon artistic quality, the ability of the applicant to carry out the project, and the relevancy of the project to meet a community's needs. Please review the Guidelines for Community Arts Access Project grants before submitting an application.

Application Deadlines:
January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15

Photo Credit Long Prairie Chamber of Commerce

Small Grants

The Small Grant Program is intended to sponsor an arts-related activity for a first-time arts producer or presenter, or a sudden opportunity for a previously funded applicant. Grants for up to $1000 are available to arts organizations, community groups, and schools providing services in Todd, Morrison, Wadena, Cass, and Crow Wing counties. Applicants must be a Minnesota non-profit, tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code with Articles of Incorporation on file with the State of Minnesota, a public school, or a governmental unit or department or agency of the State of Minnesota. There is no cash match required for this grant program.

Application Deadline: Small Grants for Community Arts Projects applications are accepted on an ONGOING basis. Before applying, please read the Guidelines for Small Grants for Community Arts Projects.

Photo provided by St. Francis Music Center in Little Falls, MN

Photo Credit St.Francis Music Center

Arts-Based Community Development (ABCD) Grants

This grant program is designed to incorporate the arts to address a specific community issue or need, with the applicant organization partnering with at least one other community organization. Arts-based community development happens when artists, arts organizations, and community development practitioners integrate arts and culture to address issues facing the community—placing arts at the table with health/human services, agriculture/food, economic development, environment/open spaces, housing, land use, transportation, youth development, public safety, immigration/social justice, civic participation, and/or community cohesion. In this field of work, artists, designers, arts organizations, and community leaders collaborate on innovative projects that help build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors within the community. Successful arts-based community development projects reflect local partnerships, local impact, and careful project planning.

The Arts-Based Community Development (ABCD) grant program is open to any nonprofit 501c3 organization, organization, or group without nonprofit designation but using a 501c3 fiscal agent, school, or local government entity serving Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd, and/or Wadena Counties.

Grants are available for up to $7,500, with at least a 25% cash match provided by the applicant organization(s). Cash matches can be cash reserves, money acquired through donations, sponsorships, earned income, or grants from other organizations.

ABCD funds are provided through a general fund appropriation from the Minnesota Legislature and Minnesota’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

Application Deadline: ONGOING
Applications are accepted on an ONGOING basis until funds are depleted. To learn more about the ABCD grant program please read the Guidelines for Art-Based Community Development grants.

Photos: Above, Crossing Arts Alliance & grantee Maria

General Operating Support Grants

NOTE: Please contact FWAC staff to verify eligibility before beginning the application.

The General Operating and Capital Support Grant program offers unrestricted grant funds to arts organizations, as well as arts affiliates of large institutions in Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd, and Wadena counties that do not receive general operating support from the Minnesota State Arts Board and have a current 501(c)(3) with the IRS. The arts organization must have its 501c-3 status for at least three years before being eligible to apply for this program.

General Operating grant funds may be used for administrative, operating, and capital expenditures. Grants are awarded based on artistic quality, commitment to community access, financial health, and overall stability of the organization.

General Operating grant fund levels correlate to the average of the expenses for the last two completed fiscal years.

Group 1 General Operating Support Grant Applications should be completed by organizations with an average of less than $32,000 over the most recently completed two years. General Operating grants awards for Group 1 organizations will be $5,000 for successful FY 25 General Operating Grant applications.

Group 2 General Operating Support Grant Applications should be completed by organizations with an average of more than $32,000 most recently completed two years. Successful grant applications will result in grants ranging from $10,000 - $20,000 depending upon the amount of the organizations budget in the most recently completed past two years.

Application Deadline: September 15th
General Operating Support Grant applications are accepted once a year via the FWAC online grant site due on September 15th by 11:59 am.

Photo Credit Lakes Area Music Festival

School Arts Project Grants

ANNOUNCEMENT: Because all funds for School Arts Project Grants have been expended for our fiscal year, the School Arts Project Grant program is temporarily closed until July 1, 2025.

The School Arts Project Grants are available to public schools in Todd, Morrison, Wadena, Cass, and Crow Wing Counties of Minnesota to supplement and enrich (not replace) the arts education already being provided to the region's students. Grants up to $5,000 are available. No match is required.

Project examples include, but are not limited to; artist residencies, arts education field trips, and other non-curriculum arts activities.

Application Deadline: ONGOING (Reminder: The School Arts Project grant program is temporarily closed until July 1, 2025.)
School Arts Project Grant applications will be accepted on an ONGOING basis throughout the year. Note: Community Education departments should use the Community Arts Access Project Grant application rather than School Arts Project Grants. Download the Guidelines for School Arts Project Grants.

Project Incorporate Grants

Five Wings Arts Council provides financial support and technical assistance to community arts groups in Todd, Morrison, Wadena, Cass, and Crow Wing Counties of Minnesota, as they pursue IRS 501 (c) 3 charitable status. Please contact Five Wing Arts Council staff to discuss your eligibility and the application process.

Organizational Capacity Building - Staff & Board Professional Training & Development:
Five Wings Arts Council provides opportunities for representatives of arts organizations, within Todd, Morrison, Wadena, Cass, and Crow Wing Counties of Minnesota to increase organizational, management, and leadership skills.

Photo Credit St. Francis Music Center

What Do you Need to Know Before Submitting an Application?

Before submitting a grant application, we encourage applicants to contact staff at Five Wings Art Council to determine eligibility. FWAC staff is available to answer questions and help brainstorm project concepts and ideas. Additionally, staff can provide feedback and assistance with the grant application process.

Ready to Learn More?


Vicki Chepulis, Grants & Program Coordinator
218-895-5660 or Toll-Free at 877-654-2166