Connect with Legislators
For all comments concerning
legislation or issues:
For general information:
Call 651-296-2146, 800-657-3550 toll-free (voice), or the Minnesota Relay service at 711 or 800-627-3529 (TTY)
Connect with your Representatives:
Saying "Thank You"
A note from Five Wings Arts Council
If you are appreciative of public support for the arts, please thank your public officials!
We strongly urge you to make a phone call or drop a note of thanks to the Governor, your State Senator, your State Representative, or better yet - all three! Please see the “Region Five Legislators” page of this website for a complete contact list of Legislators.
To find out who your local Legislator is, go to http://www.gis.leg.mn/mapserver/districts/ and type in your physical address.
Tell them you received an arts grant award from the Five Arts Council.
Tell them the arts are important to your quality of life in north-central Minnesota.
Tell them thanks for their continued support of the arts in the State’s budget and Legacy Amendment.
When writing . . . DO:
Use the correct address and salutation, e.g., Dear Senator (name), Dear Representative (name), or Dear Governor (name).
Type or write your letter clearly. If your letter is not easy to read, it could be discarded. Be sure to include your return address in the letter.
Be specific. If possible, give an example of how the issue affects your district.
Use your own words and stationery. Legislators feel that personal letters, rather than form letters, or e-mails, show greater personal commitment on the part of the writer, and therefore carry greater weight. Even a simple postcard will suffice in a pinch.
Be brief. Choose a few bullet points that are direct and succinct. However, include enough information to explain why you are writing and why you appreciate their support for the arts.
Please send (e-mail) a copy of the letter to the Five Wings Arts Council to put in your grant file
When writing . . . DON'T:
Use slang or sloppy grammar.
Mention other issues with your thank you letter. Please use a separate correspondence for other issues – keep it a simple thank-you!
Criticize your local Legislator for not attending the activity.