Grant Management
State-Funded Arts Awards:
State-funded arts awards include; General Operating, Community Arts Access Projects, Arts-Based Community Development, School Arts Projects, and Small Grants.
Grantees are required to acknowledge Five Wings Arts Council support by using the Legacy Amendment and Five Wings Arts Council logos and/or credit line in all printed materials, news releases, newsletters, advertisements, postcards, posters, programs, catalogs, invitations, films, videotapes, electronic transmissions, website and social media sites related to the organization and/or project funded by FWAC.
Grantees must also use the acknowledgment when written credit is not applicable, by providing oral credit before each event or performance and in media interviews.
Credit Line for State-Funded Arts Awards:
“This activity is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota, through a grant from the Five Wings Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.”
Logos for State-Funded Arts Awards:
Legacy Amendment Logo must appear on all publicity and is available for download at http://www.legacy.leg.mn/legacy-logo.
The Five Wings Arts Council Logo should also appear on all publicity related to the grant project.
McKnight Foundation Funded Grant Awards:
McKnight Foundation Funded grant awards include; Individual Artist Grants, including Professional Development and Project Grants.
Credit Line for McKnight Foundation Funded Grants:
“This activity is made possible, in part, by the Five Wings Arts Council Individual Artist Grant Award with funding from the McKnight Foundation.”
Logos for McKnight Foundation Funded Grants:
The Five Wings Art Council Logo should appear on all printed, digital, and other materials related to the McKnight-funded grant projects.
McKnight Foundation Logo should appear on printed, digital and other materials related to this grant project. Click HERE to Download McKnight Foundation logos.
Logo Instructions:
1). Choose the image that you wish to use.
2). Right-click on the image you’ve chosen.
3). Choose “Save Image As” from the menu and save the image to your computer.